Tuesday, May 3, 2011

America The Barbaric

We live in a country that depends upon the systematic destruction of other human beings in order to make a point. If you're liberal, then masculinity's relation to the rest of the world is one of destruction, oppression and violation. Men are the pedophiles. Men only want to control and dominate women. Men like to start wars.

Everything else in this goddamn world is gray and multifaceted - until you start talking about men. Then everything is so easy and black a white: Women good, men bad.

If you're a conservative in this country then liberalism is a mental illness. Liberals are unAmerican. Liberals hate America! We have to destroy the communists and socialists!

We can't live in a world where we disagree.

This is a consequence when we live in a society that dehumanizes men and pathologizes their sexuality. Ana, a grown woman from the Young Turks, tells the story of how she beats up a 15 year old boy and repeatedly kicks him in the gut while he's on the ground:

The reaction is essentially, "You go girl!"

Being smacked on the ass is violating and not acceptable. But he's fifteen. But adults aren't supposed to smack around minors. What sort of person is this? Standards and self control are meaningless to this woman. It's all about how she felt. Well guess what, as adults we all feel various things. As adults we're supposed to control our emotions. Unless you're a woman I suppose. Then you're allowed to follow your gut feeling? Any man would be locked up for beating a 15 year old boy, even if he made the man feel violated.

This is entirely unacceptable. Equality my ass. If this is feminism then it's about dehumanization and subjugation of males and protecting women from accountability and adulthood.

Michael Savage is a perfect example of this type of hate and dehumanization of political opponents.

How can this guy talk about other human beings the way he does and be surprised when he's banned from visiting other countries? Providing illegals with health care is compassionate but simultaneously disenfranchises many legal residents who don't get health care. Two perfectly reasonable sides of the issue both worthy of discussion. But apparently it's so horrible that it's enough to send this non-racist off the wall. So much for being well adjusted. Savage has a pathological reaction to this issue. And he speaks to many millions of fans! Chilling...

The sick thing is, the people who belong to these various political factions don't even see the sickness of their beliefs. They think they're totally justified.

Here's an example of old school racism, Oprah being compared to monkeys by some racist, neo-nazi skinhead:

(Here's the context if you need proof.)

So why is it no surprise that the recent email scandal in California that made Obama and his family a bunch of monkeys such a big deal? The utter cluelessness and racial insensitivity of the apologists is astounding. "You liberals are so obsessed with racism!"

What should one expect when racial epitaphs are considered jokes among conservatives? I'm totally at a loss for the utter lack of accountability.

Even more insidious, in my opinion, is the Institutionalized hatred of men. But it's not always so blatant. It's hidden under a veil of Enlightenment. Take for example the sick and disgusting "Conscious Men" video Dear Woman:

So, all men today and yesterday are guilty because of the "negative masculine energies" of the past? News flash! Reality is never so simple. Perhaps a little revisiting of history where we can explore the nature of oppressive queens and pampered women whose privilege and status was maintained and protected by the oppression of the masses. Or the millions of men who have risked their lives and ruined their bodies working dangerous and dirty jobs so the women and children at home could live beyond his years on this Earth. No, life is never so black and white, no matter how enlightened you think you are.

Or this black racist, Kamau Kamboon, testify such simple, black and white old school paranoid racism to the senate:

Want to know why conservatives are such racist reactionaries? One reason, to be explored further in a future post, is liberalism makes excuses "because they're an oppressed class", these type of people say all kinds of very hurtful things about other people. What does it solve? What good does this do to allow reverse racism because of past events? Are today's whites guilty of past actions because of "negative white energies"?

Or the former President that said atheists aren't real Americans?

How about all those atheists who can't help but be intentionally sarcastic, denigrating and inconsiderate about all forms of non-atheism and non-materialism? I totally get how atheists are treated at the bottom rung of the ladder. But resorting to straw man characterizations of all forms of theism and spirituality is pointless. The intolerance many materialistic atheists have of spiritual and theistic people is deeply disturbing and dogmatic.

Or George Carlin's routine that blames fathers and mars masculinity as the "crappy other" compared to women?

We often cherry pick what type of behavior we consider to be appropriate or inappropriate. Depending on what side of the political spectrum you lean toward, your target changes but the behavior is the same. How can it be good on one side and bad on the other? How can conservatives be held accountable for the damage their dogma has created for this nation when liberals can't do the same? And vice versa?

We live in a sick world that thrives on hatred of other people. It's time to change that.